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In order to be able to use the Azure AD OIDC authentication provider, you have to add the configuration to your newly added plugins. To do so here are the steps


Create an Azure AD app registration, see (opens in a new tab) It should have API permissions for User.Read - "Sign in and read user profile"


Go to your medusa-config.js


Check that the variables are set with the appropriate values

const BACKEND_URL = process.env.BACKEND_URL || "localhost:9000"
const ADMIN_URL = process.env.ADMIN_URL || "localhost:7000"
const STORE_URL = process.env.STORE_URL || "localhost:8000"
const AzureIdentityMetadata = process.env.AZURE_IDENTITY_METADATA || "<YOUR AZURE TENANT ID>/.well-known/openid-configuration" 
const AzureClientId = process.env.AZURE_CLIENT_ID || "<YOUR APP REGISTRATIONS CLIENT ID>"

Then in your plugins collections, if you did not already inserted the plugin, add the following otherwise, you can just add the azure_oidc options to your auth plugin options

resolve: "medusa-plugin-auth",
/** @type {import('medusa-plugin-auth').AuthOptions} */
options: [
        type: "azure_oidc",
        // strict: "all", // or "none" or "store" or "admin"
        strict: "none",
        identifier: "azure_oidc",
        admin: {
            identityMetadata: AzureIdentityMetadata,
            clientID: AzureClientId,
            clientSecret: AzureClientSecret,
            allowHttpForRedirectUrl: true, // localhost only!
            callbackUrl: `${BACKEND_URL}/admin/auth/azure/cb`,
            failureRedirect: `${ADMIN_URL}/login`,
            // The success redirect can be overridden from the client by adding a query param `?redirectTo=your_url` to the auth url
            // This query param will have the priority over this configuration
            successRedirect: `${ADMIN_URL}/`,
            // responseType: ResposeType.Code
            // responseMode: ResponseMode.Query
            // allowHttpForRedirectUrl: false
            // validateIssuer: true
            // isB2C: false
            // issuer: null
            // authPath: '/admin/auth/azure',
            // authCallbackPath: '/admin/auth/azure/cb',
            // expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
            // verifyCallback: (container, req, profile, strict) => {
            //    // implement your custom verify callback here if you need it
            // }
        store: {
            identityMetadata: AzureIdentityMetadata,
            clientID: AzureClientId,
            clientSecret: AzureClientSecret,
            allowHttpForRedirectUrl: true, // localhost only!
            callbackUrl: `${BACKEND_URL}/store/auth/azure/cb`,
            failureRedirect: `${STORE_URL}/login`,
            // The success redirect can be overridden from the client by adding a query param `?redirectTo=your_url` to the auth url
            // This query param will have the priority over this configuration
            successRedirect: `${STORE_URL}/`,
            // responseType: ResposeType.Code
            // responseMode: ResponseMode.Query
            // allowHttpForRedirectUrl: false
            // validateIssuer: true
            // isB2C: false
            // issuer: null
            // authPath: '/store/auth/azure',
            // authCallbackPath: '/store/auth/azure/cb',
            // expiresIn: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
            // verifyCallback: (container, req, profile, strict) => {
            //    // implement your custom verify callback here if you need it
            // }

The options that are commented are optional and the value that you see are the default values


Update your client to add the authentication action

<a type="button" href=${medusa_url}/${authPath} className="text-white bg-[#4285F4] hover:bg-[#4285F4]/90 focus:ring-4 focus:outline-none focus:ring-[#4285F4]/50 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 text-center inline-flex items-center dark:focus:ring-[#4285F4]/55 mr-2 mb-2">
	<svg className="mr-2 -ml-1 w-4 h-4" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fab" data-icon="azure" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 -28.5 256 256"><path d="M118.431947,187.698037 C151.322003,181.887937 178.48731,177.08008 178.799309,177.013916 L179.366585,176.893612 L148.31513,139.958881 C131.236843,119.644776 117.26369,102.945381 117.26369,102.849118 C117.26369,102.666861 149.32694,14.3716012 149.507189,14.057257 C149.567455,13.952452 171.38747,51.62411 202.400338,105.376064 C231.435152,155.699606 255.372949,197.191547 255.595444,197.580359 L255.999996,198.287301 L157.315912,198.274572 L58.6318456,198.261895 L118.431947,187.698073 L118.431947,187.698037 Z M-4.03864498e-06,176.434723 C-4.03864498e-06,176.382721 14.631291,150.983941 32.5139844,119.992969 L65.0279676,63.6457518 L102.919257,31.8473052 C123.759465,14.3581634 140.866667,0.0274832751 140.935253,0.00062917799 C141.003839,-0.0247829554 140.729691,0.665213042 140.326034,1.53468179 C139.922377,2.40415053 121.407304,42.1170321 99.1814268,89.7855264 L58.7707514,176.455514 L29.3853737,176.492355 C13.2234196,176.512639 -4.03864498e-06,176.486664 -4.03864498e-06,176.434703 L-4.03864498e-06,176.434723 Z" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="nonzero"> </path></svg>
	Sign in with Azure
  • medusa_url correspond to your backend server url (e.g http://localhost:9000)
  • authPath correspond to authPath configuration in your plugin (e.g admin/auth/azure)

After authentication is successfull, the user will be redirected to the successRedirect url with a ?access_token=your_token query param and a session cookie will be set. Session will automatically be authenticated. The access token is a JWT that can be used with Authorization: Bearer <token> header to authenticate requests to the backend instead of using a session cookie.

Implementation Comments

The implementation is made using the passport strategy passport-azure-ad (opens in a new tab). This has an overwhelming amount of options. Read their documentation for further info on the options.

It has only been tested with default options. As of now only ResponseType.Code and ResponseMode.Query is supported by the medusa-plugin-auth core.

Default behaviour

The default verifyCallback flow looks as follow (unless the strict option is changed to none or store or admin depending on the targeted domain)

  • for the admin
    • if the user trying to authenticate exists
      • then we are looking in the metadata to find if the strategy identifier is present in authProvider.
        • If it is not, the user authentication gets rejected.
        • In the case it is present, then the user authentication gets authorized.
    • if the user trying to authenticate does not exist, an unauthorized error will be returned
  • for the store
    • if the customer trying to authenticate exists
      • then we are looking in the metadata to find if the strategy identifier is present in authProvider.
        • If none are found, then the customer gets authenticated and can proceed and the metadata gets updated.
        • In the case another external authentication method have been used in the past, then an unauthorized will be returned.
    • if the customer trying to authenticate does not exist, a new customer will be created with a randomly generated password and the authentication flow follow the previous point

Request only access token in a JSON response

If you are using your Medusa application with a SPA or mobile frontend, you can request opt to receive the access token in a JSON response instead of a redirect.

To do this, you have to add ?returnAccessToken=true query parameter to your authentication call. Your authentication URL will then look like this: ${medusa_url}/${authPath}?returnAccessToken=true

The response will look like this:

    access_token: "<your-jwt-token>"